Adrenaline Mob

This band may sound like its some emo screaming music. But there not this band has a really powerful orchestrated sound although there not thrash they really are close.There known for there singer(Russell Allen)  who is in the band Symphony x. although this band started in 2011 they have had a lot potential. The band gives of this power feel  i recommend the album and here is why.

The technical stuff. This band has a great sound imagine a border line thrash band. Like i said the band may not be the heaviest but its got some thrash aspects to it. Allen’s  voice is extremely easy to understand. They can transition from a heavy song to a lighter slower power metal song extremely well and even though they sound like a heavy version of Symphony x.  They have a great power metal sound.

Which album should you buy? well if i had to choose a album. I would choose there Omerta album. which has got my favorite song by them on it. The song is called (all on the line) it is epic.  I will be adding this song on the bottom of this blog post.

Should we be happy that this is taking over? Like i said this is a rocking band it really is up to you if you like it or not.But in my opinion if metal sounds like this in the future then we we will know that metal hasn’t died and it never will.

Okay rockers, This band really has put up a good fight for my top 10 i would recommend this as a first band to let your kids listen to. It really is a great band. Oh and if you go to a record store they most likely will have this band in the rock section. Okay that is all for now thrashers till next time Metal force one has landed.




  1. loadgame357 · March 11, 2016

    The major things I’d recommend for you are first of all, some spell and grammar checks, They are instead of their is the major issue. Your review does seem to do some good explanation about basic aspects of the band but could go a little more in depth. A band is much more than their lead singer and in thrash metal, the ones playing an instrument are vital. Talking about more of their songs and how they vary could also be great to explain so listeners can a better scope on a band rather than just looking at their general category. Overall I think you have potential and have a good starter place, just could go more in depth into different aspects.


    • metalforcesite · March 11, 2016

      Thanks for the feedback i really do appreciate the extra advice. About the whole grammar thing i was in a rush to have it finished by the Thursday deadline. But i can surly ashore you that i will try a little harder next time.
      – Metal Maniac


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