Everybody loved the 80s it gave birth to a lot of music, games, and even the microwave. But one thing stood out to me was  Thrash. There is Just Something about Being in the pit and dancing around. Even Though i was not alive to experience the 80s. I still enjoy the music.On this list i will be going by  over all music quality. So lets Begin



If you know thrash then Overkill has to be in your top 10 Bobby blitz has one epic voice and he can really work a crowd. you also have the fact that bobby is almost 50 years old and his voice has never changed. My favorite song by them is Iron bound.Which yes i know its newer. but it proves bobby could keep it up even longer. Also if you did not know bobby also had a stroke while onstage and kept on singing the line. Dude that guy is tough



4.Image result for megadeth 80s

You have the epic Megadeth. One of the first thrash bands although they have mellowed out there countdown to extinction album was there best one in my opinion. It had a lot of heavy stuff on it. like symphony of destruction which is my favorite song by them. The one thing that i honestly think could be better is that Dave Mastaine should not remake the same song. Return to hanger 18 anybody.



Although there not thrash anymore dude rage really rocked the house back in the 80s. A good example would be there album perfect man it has a lot of heavy stuff on it. The one bad thing about this band is since they are not that big so not many people now who they are. They think your talking about rage against the machine or something like that. but yes the older the heavier just like most bands now days.


2.Metallica Master of Puppets album cover

You knew it was coming Metallica. Just wow i am a big fan of there first four albums but if i had to choose one it be MASTER OF PUPPETS because its 100 pure american thrash. Also in master of puppets (the song ) Kirk Hammet is an epic guitarist he can go from a fast hard trash riff to a slow classic rock sounding riff. I know that there not thrash anymore but still to be able to shred that epic is awesome. Metallica is one epic band i recommend hearing them. but yeah who hasn’t heard a Metallica song.


1.Metal Church w/ David Wayne

Dude if you haven’t heard these guys than stop reading and search them right now. okay so metal church in my opinion  is really borderline thrash. There songs are not as heavy as other thrash bands but there songs are really powerful like back in the 80s (if you didn’t know) people accused heavy metal for a lot of overdoses and suicides. So they decided that they were going to tell america how wrong they were and how much they cared about there opinions. They also told about world problems. this one of the greatest bands. They broke up after the big thrash craze died. They recently got back together a couple years ago. Waiting for the 2nd album guys.


There you have it guys my epic awesome list of bands. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as it was fun typing it and stay tuned next week for my top 5 list of power metal bands till next time thrashers Metal Force One has landed.



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